Our Little Kitchen in PA

You ring the doorbell, and I quickly dry off my hands from washing dishes and make my way to the door, moving over Ruby's walker and Jude's tricycle as to not trip over them all while telling my dogs to shush. Well, hello! Come on in...

I direct you to take off your shoes please, mi casa es su casa. You follow me into the kitchen all while Jude is hanging onto my left leg and pushing his head upwards to whisper to me, "Mom, who is that?", his gaze drifting from me to you then back to me. Have a seat. Nathan and I knew you would be coming.

We have been keeping busy in the kitchen all the while looking forward to sitting down with you and sharing our thoughts.

At any given moment you can find us in our kitchen. I get inspired and try to carve some time in while watching the kids to try a new recipe. All the while bringing feelings of being one step closer to understanding this new journey, this new love for the kitchen, this new feeling inside that is moving me towards a direction, yet having no idea how it will unfold. All I can see is a few steps in front of me and the rest I lift up in faith.

This conversation with you is much more about me needing to express the excitement. So as to not bottle it up and instead share it because I feel led to. I will start off by sharing with you recipes that we have made time and time again, because they are delicious and work for our family. In between those posts, I will sprinkle in what I am learning and although I might not have a recipe that is mine, I am happy to direct you to the one I am using as I practice.

In the midst of writing and posting, you will find me in the kitchen baking. I have a thing for dough, and I feel a pull to focus my greater attention to breads and pastries while Nathan develops the savory.

The direction of this space I am unsure of, but what I am confident in is that we are supposed to start walking this path. To find the joy in the process of this new love. The small moments like turning around to find Jude's fingers dragged across the top of my pumpkin pie, strapping Ruby to my back because she is fussy, needing to finish dinner and hoping it tastes as good as it smells with my new adaptations to the recipe. Doubting myself when I forget the purpose of this space and lastly, looking across the table at Nathan as we are busy eating and knowing that our children's silence translates to a thumbs up.

As we get ready to wrap things up, I assure Jude that you will be back because we had such a great time. I send you off with some left over dessert that I have wrapped for you and almost force you to take it. I dislike throwing away food and do not know how much more dessert I can handle as taste testing has caused me to indulge too often.

We enjoyed having you. In a moment of courage, Jude hugs you and Ruby glances up from playing to gaze at you and say goodbye with those sea blue eyes. We see you to the door. Reminding you about how wonderful our time was and that we are excited to have you back at our table once more.

- Ziba


Breakfast Oatmeal Cookies with Browned Butter, Cranberry, and Orange